Sunday, February 15, 2015

Time to Trans-Pot, Most Likely, Right???

Good morning, my lovely gardening goddesses and gods (hehe)! So, for those of you who wanted to get a jump on your Spring planting and, like me, started your seeds indoors in January :) Then they might look something like this:
This guy is happy as can be right now, but he won't be if we don't get him into a Big Boy pot, soon. Because I will be able to plant out pretty soon (zone 10b here) I go with a pot the size of a Solo cup. And I like the clear ones so I can see his root system:
I use a good fluffy mix of equalish parts coco peat (or peat moss), potting soil, and vermiculite. If you see those tiny shriveled seed leaves on the stem, carefully pinch those off. Now, plant that guy up to his neck. Right up to the big leaves. The reason for this is that all those little hairy things along the stem will become a big strong root system. This is what we want. The more roots, the more nutrients this little guy will uptake and that makes everyone happy! At this point I give mine a weak dose of fertilizer, and give him a little peace and quiet to get used to his new pot. Now of course if you live in zones where you won't be planting till May or so, then you'll have to trans-pot again to bigger one. Happy planting! :)

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